snacks provided
snacks provided

Sweat Ceremony

Come out and learn more about sweat ceremony’s and their health and wellness benefits!

Dates for June:
  • June 09, 2022
  • Junes 30, 2022
Start Time:
  • 12:00 PM


Capacity Limit of 7-10 people in the sweat


Linda McDonald, [email protected], 250-256-753

Fidele Henry, [email protected], 250-256-7523

Lillooet Career Fair

Lillooet Tribal Council, Work BC, and other local agencies are partnering together to present a Career Fair on April 13th, 2022!

Come Join Us! The Lillooet Career Fair will feature 20+ Employer, and Employment & Training Service Provider information booths.

Learn about local career opportunities, training services, free employment services, job programs, and more!

Door Prizes & Snacks available at the event!