
SOHS Community Engagement Survey Deadline!


We want your insight and opinion on your communities health and wellness needs!

St’át’imc Outreach Health Services (SOHS) is looking to gain feedback from the communities on what their health needs and struggles are and how SOHS can provide assistance.
We ensure that this survey is confidential and individual responses will not be shared. The survey’s statistics and analytics will be the only part of the survey that may be shared to show communities the results we received, but your own individual responses will not be shown!

There will be two chances to win a door prize if you leave your name and phone number on the survey (we ask for contact information because the survey’s will show anonymous if none is given). Each community (Xaxli’p, Xwisten, Ts’kw’aylaxw, Sekw’el’was, Tsal’alh, and T’it’q’et) will get one door prize each, and then there will be one grand prize that the survey responders will have a chance at! Pictures of door prizes will be given at a later date!

The deadline for the SOHS Community Engagement Survey is: June 24, 2022!! 😊

If you would like to fill our a printed version of the survey, we have them at the SOHS front desk, you can reference LTC’s website for the PDF, or you can email: [email protected] to be sent a PDF copy (you can either return it to your band office, or directly to SOHS/LTC office).